Solidarity for LGBT Human Rights of Korea
이 공간은 2003년 고 육우당을 떠나 보낸 후 그를 추모하기 위해 처음 만들어졌습니다.
지금은 안타깝게 우리 곁을 떠난 모든 성소수자들을 추모하고 기억하기 위한 공간이 되었습니다.
Dear LGBTHRF-Korea members and LGBT people in South Korea, We have received news of your activists Okoodangs' suicide with great sorrow. The lose of a dear friend, a young life and a activists is a tremendous blow personally as well as for the movement, and in times as these it is important to know that the international LGBT movement stands in solidarity with you and will support you through these trying times. If there is anything we can do for you please say so. All our thoughts are with you. Members of Labris - Lesbian Human Rights Group Belgrade, Union of Serbia and Montenegro Labris - Lesbian Human Rights Organization E-mail: labris@eunet.yu Web: www.womenngo.org.yu/labris Phone: +381 11 439-488 381 63 8513-170 Belgrade, Yugoslavia Labris - Lesbian Human Rights Organization E-mail: labris@eunet.yu Web: www.womenngo.org.yu/labris Phone: +381 11 439-488 381 63 8513-170 Belgrade, Yugoslavia