Solidarity for LGBT Human Rights of Korea
이 공간은 2003년 고 육우당을 떠나 보낸 후 그를 추모하기 위해 처음 만들어졌습니다.
지금은 안타깝게 우리 곁을 떠난 모든 성소수자들을 추모하고 기억하기 위한 공간이 되었습니다.
조회 수 2807 댓글 0
i've just read an article on my croatian glbt web page that an activist of yours had committed suicide in an attempt to symbolize our struggle for basic human rights. that deeply saddened but also enraged be - we truly live in a world where injustice takes its toll on innocent lives such as this young man's. i just wanted you to know that he's in my heart, as are all the people that stand proud and strong, enduring pain and incredible strength we all need for success. without people like those, nothing would ever come to good. i'm only 18 but i hope one day, i'll be one of those fighters who are fearless and decisive, who encourage and inspire. lots of love, maja